Circle or cage?
I think back to the me 20 years ago. Right outta high school. Insecure. Always feeling judged. Trying to fit in. Yeah. Maybe it didn’t appear that way but that’s how it felt. Trust me. The nerves in my stomach don’t lie. I lived in discomfort. Then for a time i surrounded myself with others that fed the negative thoughts. Justified them. Thrived on drama.
I’ve grown up. My CIRCLE is smaller. Those i call for advice don’t judge me. They pray for me! They cheer me on even when we compete with each-other. Be true to yourself and your goals. If someone is dragging you down and making you lack confidence in yourself…consider how close you want them to your circle.
Save this quote for a
day! Tag a friend who’s in your

“If you take a look at the people in your circle and you are not inspired; you don’t have a circle. You have a cage.”
- Nipsey Hussle
I’ve observed that we “ become “ the 5 or 6 people or couples we hang with the most and vice versa. That’s the good traits and/or bad. Don’t believe me? How many times have you spent time with a girlfriend who’s having problems with her husband and come home mad at yours when the poor guy hasn’t done anything? I know I sure have. Talk about a confused husband. Ha!
This is so important with our kids and who they are around the most. The whole hanging with the wrong crowd comes to mind. Sometimes we are overly influenced by a toxic family member that we feel we can’t get away from. “ So and so just brings out the worst in me but they’re family”. The answer may be Boundries. Take a minute to evaluate and be mindful of who the 5 friends you are hanging with are because you will become them.