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Are you like me and find that balance is just not possible? You know how to find peace with that? Just simply don’t stress about it. Helpful huh? Let’s break that down a bit though. First make sure that whatever you are doing fits the goals you have for you, your family, and work. If it doesn’t - say no! For me it’s been making sure that no matter where either business takes me during this busy season that I’m still present with my family. That looks like breakfast, school, and Bible study each morning with Payden and at least...

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adoption, adoptionjourney, birth mom, boymom, cowboymom, cowkid, cowkidmama, cowkids, moms of adoption -

I’ve been called mom since I was in my mid twenties and not because I had my own child. I’m called mama now and I’ve still never given birth. This kinda hit me yesterday while the pastor spoke at church. He mentioned not only what we think of as traditional moms, but mentors, aunts, adoptive mothers, mothers who have lost their children, and women who have stepped up in a child’s life when a mom was needed. I know someone who fits each of these labels and I’ve been some of them, but I have one more to add. In...

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adoptionjourney, boymom, cowboymom, cowkid, cowkidmama, cowkids, farm kids, midwestmom, momlife -

I see those posts all the time saying “The world needs more farm kids.” I have a farm kid and I’m surrounded by them. Know what they have in common? Parents with work or a hobby that involves not only them, but their family, and other adults. It’s not necessarily the farm that makes them different it’s involving them. On the farm we just don’t have a choice. As farm parents we have to make our kids a part of that daily life and that’s what makes them stand out a little younger than some. They also learn about safety...

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boymom, cowboymom, cowkid, cowkidmama, cowkids, littlecowboys, makingtime, midwestmom, momlife, raisingcowboys, rodeomom, toddleproblems, toddlerlife, type3, westernstyle -

Don’t stop what you’re doing for the kids. Do it with them. Make the memories. Now don’t get me wrong…you may need to cut back and pick and chose what you commit to. For Tim and I it was taking a break his first year and then doing things together instead of me showing and him roping. I tried going to shows on my own with Payden and neither of us had much fun. With both Tim and I going to shows, ropings, and rodeos together it’s great! I wasn’t able to commit to a whole season with any particular...

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confidence quotes, cowboymom, momlife, monday motivation, nipsey hussle quotes, small circle, westernstyle -

I think back to the me 20 years ago. Right outta high school. Insecure. Always feeling judged. Trying to fit in. Yeah. Maybe it didn’t appear that way but that’s how it felt. Trust me. The nerves in my stomach don’t lie. I lived in discomfort. Then for a time i surrounded myself with others that fed the negative thoughts. Justified them. Thrived on drama. I’ve grown up. My CIRCLE is smaller. Those i call for advice don’t judge me. They pray for me! They cheer me on even when we compete with each-other. Be true to yourself and your...

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