Crazy Horse People
When they say horse people are crazy, I get it. We are. We are crazy in love with the sport that takes up most our life, the animals that demand food and care like a second marriage, the smell of horse sweat that most would think is gross, the friends who also love it (aka our horse family,) and the lifestyle it provides our kids regardless of the ups and downs.
Those on the outside see one of two things. Either it’s “Oh you’re so lucky you get to ride horses!” These ones have no idea what we’ve sacrificed to ride these horses, and most the time “luck” had nothing to do with it. Granted, yes we feel quite blessed to have this life. The other are the “ I can’t believe you spend that kind of money and time on an animal and only vacation with said animal! Don’t you ever go anywhere fun?!” These ones will never understand, so don’t bother telling them how the smell of horse sweat brings you joy. They will try to commit you

Either way I’m done trying to pretend I’m one of the only sane horse people out there cause the non horse world will forever think as whole we all are nuts