Don’t stop what you’re doing for the kids. Do it with them.
Don’t stop what you’re doing for the kids. Do it with them. Make the memories. Now don’t get me wrong…you may need to cut back and pick and chose what you commit to. For Tim and I it was taking a break his first year and then doing things together instead of me showing and him roping. I tried going to shows on my own with Payden and neither of us had much fun. With both Tim and I going to shows, ropings, and rodeos together it’s great! I wasn’t able to commit to a whole season with any particular association, but when I was able to make one I sure did enjoy myself having my family there!
Kids are tough, but they are gonna be tough at home or on the go. We are blessed to be surrounded by some awesome friends that help along the way too! Takes a village and that ain’t no joke! One minute your toddler is the just playing away content and the next a terrorist. Usually about that time I know I best wrap up whatever I was in the middle of and get him back in line or napping. Lol!
This photo was takin late last night of Payden crashed out watching tractors on my iPad, with popcorn & blankets from aunt Emily, and staying warm with the fantastic little heater I scored at Lowes.
I remember trips as a kid with my parents. We’d leave on a big ride up north and I was full of energy and ready for an adventure. Hours in I’d be passed out in front of my dads saddle, or whoever could carry me, with my pony following the herd home
I’m sure i wasn’t always the funnest at those times, but the memories I have of those trips will last my whole life. I want that for Payden. I’m grateful my parents took me on the ride even though I’m sure it wasn’t easy.

So TRUE!! Some people think its a big thing to sacrifice their life and just focus on their kids lives for years until they are grown. The kids LOVE to be included in all the goings ons! And learn so much from it. <3